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    Curriculum Principles

    All curriculum planning at Chace is guided by the agreed set of principles below. The curriculum information for each subject and year group found in this section is underpinned by our Curriculum Principles.

    Chace Curriculum Principles and Intention

    The curriculum at Chace should:

    • promote achievement leading to successful outcomes, ensuring students are well qualified for progression and empowered for the next steps in their education
    • include, teach and promote high standards of literacy and reading, numeracy and use of technology in communication
    • be challenging and promote deep thinking, independence and creativity
    • be engaging and accessible for all as part of an inclusive and equitable education
    • promote resilience to develop character
    • build on students’ prior knowledge and understanding leading to mastery
    • develop skills for life to increase self-esteem, self-confidence, self-awareness and promote well-being.

    This is important because:

    • students need to be equipped with employability skills and attributes for a sustainable future
    • students need academic and emotional resilience in the real world
    • students will play a fundamental role in society as active citizens locally, nationally and globally.