Chace Values and Positive Behaviour Policy
Successful learning and high achievement depend on good behaviour.
At Chace we insist on high standards of behaviour to promote high achievement. Working together with parents, staff, students, governors and the local community we aim to provide a calm, safe, well ordered environment where learning is the priority.
We have high expectations of all in terms of behaviour and learning.
Students should be courteous and show consideration for others. They should exercise self discipline and be responsible for their behaviour and actions, making learning the priority at Chace.
Recognising and rewarding student achievement is at the heart of our approach to positive behaviour for learning. Our public celebration of positive behaviour will enable students to see the rewards of positive behaviour and to develop appropriate behaviours of their own. The school’s rewards system summarises the different levels of rewards. Students are awarded points by staff for various achievements such as sustained effort, outstanding performance in lesson, positive behaviour and contribution to the community, participation in school activities and 100% attendance. Points totals are checked fortnightly and students are awarded at bronze, silver, gold and platinum standard. The cumulative total of points for each student will be passed back to the Form Tutor to inform students and celebrated in assemblies.
Although rewards are central to the encouragement of good behaviour, sanctions are used to correct poor behaviour and reinforce our expectations. Poor behaviour and associated sanctions are staged in severity and opportunities are always given, following clear warnings for students to reflect on their behaviour, correct it and to make the ‘right choices’.
Full details of our Positive Behaviour for Learning policy can be found on our Policies page.